Michael L. Burnham


Stance Detection: A Practical Guide to Identifying Political Beliefs in Text
Political Science Research and Methods

What is Sentiment Meant to Mean to Language Models?
Research and Politics

Perceived risk, political polarization, and the willingness to follow COVID-19 mitigation guidelines.
Social Science and Medicine
With Ray Block Jr, Kayla Kahn, Rachel Peng, Jeremy Seeman, and Christopher Seto.

Towards a Definition of Terrorist Ideology
Terrorism and Political Violence
With Gary Ackerman

Judicial Elections and Judicial Behavior
Oxford Handbook of Comparative Judicial Behaviour
With Michael Nelson

Political DEBATE: Efficient Zero-shot and Few-shot Classifiers for Political Text
Under Review

Semantic Scaling: Bayesian Ideal Point Estimates with Large Language Models
Working paper

Does Affect Affect the Effectiveness of Legislators?
Working paper